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Services & Fees

Sitting on Couch

In-person Counselling

Book an individual counselling session for adults 19yrs+

$175 per 50 min session
Working at Home

Virtual Counselling

Book an individual online or telephone counselling session for adults 19yrs+ 

$175 per 50 min session

Areas of Interest

Depression & Anxiety 


Depression can cause low mood, feelings of hopelessness and a drop in motivation, amongst other problematic symptoms. Feeling depressed doesn't necessarily indicate a mood disorder, but therapy can help improve symptoms either way.


Anxiety can be experienced in the mind, body and/or in social situations.Some individuals describe it as having "racing thoughts", intense fear, and physical reactions, like a rapid heartbeat. Depending on the situation, anxiety can be normal and helpful. But sometimes it can become too much and impact our day to day lives.



Trauma can be caused by a one-time event or multiple negative experiences over time. It often results from a life threatening or physically/emotionally harmful event. What is traumatic for one person, might not always be traumatic for another. Symptoms may include sleep disturbances, intense fear, flashbacks, emotional outbursts, and feelings of panic, to name a few

Perinatal Mood Disorders


Symptoms of depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, drastic mood changes and even psychosis can be experienced during pregnancy & after birth. Perinatal mood disorders are often misunderstood since they can include a variation of symptoms outside the term of "post-partum depression". Post traumatic stress disorder can also develop after a frightening pregnancy or child birth. Perinatal mood disorders can impact the entire family unit and are often under detected. These symptoms and impacts can be serious, so it's important to access help as soon as possible. Learn more here:

Grief & Loss

We all experience grief at some point in life and it can be one of the most painful events. Intense emotions such as sadness, anger, shock, guilt and relief are common, while also confusing. Experiencing grief is not always associated with death, but can also be present with the loss of a relationship, job, or family role.

Life Transitions

As we grow, we move through different stages of life. For some individuals this could mean moving to a different country, enrolling in University, entering a new relationship, starting a family, accepting a new job or adapting to a health diagnosis. Life transitions can give us opportunities to learn new skills and can also be a time when we need extra support.


Procrastination & Perfectionism


The procrastination & perfectionism loop can be a frustrating experience, especially when chronic or experienced long-term. It's often associated with feelings of anxiety, guilt, low mood and difficulties with motivation. It can impact productivity and increase self-criticism. There are strategies that can be helpful to break this cycle and ways to detach your self-worth to the "need for perfection". 

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